About Giovanni

Successful Small Businessman

Giovanni is a successful small businessman and proven job creator. He owns a small investing firm that specializes in investing in other small businesses, many based here in Texas. He sees how burdensome government regulations, high taxes and frivolous lawsuits hurt our economy and kill jobs. He wants to get government out of the way to allow entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and create jobs.

Prior to owning his own company, Giovanni was a Senior Vice President at an investment firm where he managed the loan and equity portfolios of various American businesses. Before that Giovanni held various positions at computer engineering companies primarily focused on semiconductor design and Internet products.

Grassroots Fighter

Giovanni is a grassroots fighter for conservative government. Giovanni has spent his time helping Republicans defeat Democrats across the country, volunteering on behalf of Republican candidates in key races in Texas and other states. Locally he led successful campaigns against property tax increases.

Giovanni is always on the front lines fighting for conservative solutions and accountable government.

Blessed Family Man

Giovanni has been married for 21 years to his wife Elisa and has three daughters who attend local public schools. They are active in their church and community, co-founding the Southlake Lions Club and supporting dozens of other local organizations. Giovanni has a BS in Physics and an MBA in finance from Santa Clara University.

Legislative Leadership

In the Texas House, Giovanni currently serves on several important committees with the goal to effectively represent the residents of House District 98.

Community Involvement

Giovanni is active in the community with pro-life, business development and other charitable groups such as the following:

  • Mercy House
  • Pregnancy Help For You
  • Kids Matter International
  • Bocce’s Place
  • Metroport Meals on Wheels, Community Storehouse
  • Phillip’s Wish
  • District 98 STEM Scholarship Foundation
  • Colleyville Lion’s Club
  • Keller Lion’s Club
  • Metroport/Southlake Rotary Club
  • Colleyville Woman’s Club
  • Southlake Women’s Club
  • Greater Keller Women’s Club
  • Grapevine Chamber Women’s Division
  • Friends of the Keller/Colleyville Library
  • GCISD Education Foundation
  • Carroll Education Foundation
  • Keller Education Foundation
  • Northwest Education Foundation
  • Neuro Assistance Foundation
  • Keep Colleyville Beautiful
  • North Texas Special Needs Assistance Partners (honorary Chair)
  • Greater Keller Chamber of Commerce
  • Southlake Chamber of Commerce
  • Grapevine Chamber of Commerce
  • Colleyville Chamber of Commerce



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